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Adult and Kid's Aroma Rollers

Adult and Kid's Aroma Rollers

Pickle's 'Mantra Monsters' skin-safe aromatherapy rollers for children!

Pocket-sized oils that smell delightful and promote mindfulness.


Choose from:


'Nip Nip's Calming Roller' which contains:


  • Jojoba Oil
  • Cedarwood
  • Sweet Orange
  • Vetiver
  • Lavender
  • Mandarin
  • Bergamot
  • Palmarosa


Nip-Nip says:

"Roll on nape of neck, temples of head, or wrists as needed. Then place your hands on your tummy and take a few deep, slow breaths, feeling your tummy rise as you breathe in and fall as you breathe out." (Directions as written on product label).


'Bonzo's Focus Roller' which contains:


  • Jojoba Oil
  • Lime
  • Pink Pepper
  • Grapefruit
  • Cypress


Bonzo says:

"Sometimes children need an extra boost to help them concentrate - the natural oils in this roller can help them keep on track!" Roll on nape of neck, temples of heal or wrists as needed. (Directions as written on product label).



    The statements on my potions have not been evaluated by the FDA. These potions are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have skin sensitivities and/or allergies, please read the ingredients listed prior to purchasing. Each individual is responsible for doing a 24-hour patch test (on your neck underneath your hairline and/or on the inside of your elbow) before usage. Please consult your physician before using any products with essential oils if you are pregnant, nursing, using on a child under the age of 12, have high blood pressure, low blood pressure, cancer, epilepsy, diabetes, glaucoma, kidney disease, cardiac disease, liver disease, or acute respiratory disease. Do not ever take essential oils internally. Pickle's Potions is not responsible for allergic reactions, issues derived from use of products not described in application directions, or neglect to contact a physician prior to usage.

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